Articles by Michael B. Glomb

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340B Roundup: The Senate and White House Focus on the 340B Program; Manufacturer Oversight and Overcharge Penalties Delayed (Yet Again)

The 340B program continues to garner the attention of Congress and the Trump Administration.  In a recent flurry of activity, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee held its second hearing on the 340B program on May 15.  Unlike the first HELP hearing in early April, which focused…

House Energy and Commerce Committee Issues Report on Review of 340B Program and Recommends Potentially Significant Changes

Three hearings before the House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee and its Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee[1] have culminated in an 80-page report (Report) containing the E&C Committee’s findings and review of the federal 340B drug discount program.[2]  The Report does not directly address 340B program contract pharmacies, though the E&C…

Year End 340B Round-Up: Hospital Moratorium Legislation Introduced; Hospital Payment Cuts Take Effect After Suit Hits Snag but Congress May Intervene

The closing months of 2017 saw a flurry of activity related to the 340B drug pricing program, both as a topic of legislative and regulatory actions, and the subject of litigation. The recent developments are focused on hospitals participating in the 340B Program, and do not directly impact federally-qualified health…

Congress Seeks Information from 340B Covered Entities and Holds Hearing to Discuss How Covered Entities Use 340B Savings

On October 11, 2017, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee convened a hearing on the use of 340B program savings by covered entities.[1]  The subcommittee solicited testimony from five covered entity representatives, including three representing hospitals, one representing a Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantee,…
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